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R.E.D. Friday at Hales Speed Shop

February 06 2024 – Total GBP Analytics

a red flannel shirt by hales speed shop
a red flannel shirt by hales speed shop

Show your true colors and support our military by wearing red on Fridays. Red represents courage, bravery, and the sacrifices of soldiers, which is why the acronym R.E.D. (Remember Everyone Deployed) is so appropriate.

Whether you are an active or retired member of the military, part of a military family, or just someone who loves your country and wants to show support to everyone deployed, Hales Speed Shop has something for you! Now you can honor our country’s heroes every Friday by wearing the R.E.D. Flannel. 

What is the Meaning of R.E.D. Friday?

R.E.D. Friday is a tradition among military supporters who wear the color red to remind us all of every single soldier who is or has been deployed. It is a simple but significant gesture in remembrance of all the people who have fought to keep our nation safe and free, from the birth of this nation until today. 

How Did Red Friday Start?

There is a bit of controversy around R.E.D. Friday and who and how exactly it started. A few different stories have come to light over the years. Most people say it all started with a mass email in 2005 that suggested those who support the military are a silent majority and that this new tradition could give a voice. 

Later, Karen Boier and Lisa Miller, who were Canadian military wives, introduced the idea to their home country. This eventually led to the movement becoming so popular that it was observed by then Prime Minister, Stephen Harper. 

This patriotic idea was brought back to the USA and made popular again by Lloyd (Doc) Hofmeister, a Marine who served in Vietnam. His now-defunct website was the first known to sell R.E.D. Friday t-shirts

What we know for sure is that this awesome tradition started sometime in the early 2000s and has become a big deal among those who wish to show their love and support for all our soldiers deployed overseas. The custom of wearing red on Fridays has only grown and is more popular today than ever before. 

How to Observe R.E.D. Friday

There are lots of ways to get involved in the R.E.D. Friday movement. The biggest way is by wearing the color red. Most people have a special or favorite piece of red clothing they wear every Friday to show support for the cause. 

You will also see flags and symbols adorning cars and motorcycles as well as lots of memes across social media supporting the idea. 

Here are a few other ways that you can get involved and support the military and military families every Friday:

  • Donate to military charities.
  • Go to a R.E.D. Friday event.
  • Volunteer with organizations that support the military.
  • Send cards and letters to deployed soldiers.
  • Send care packages to soldiers overseas.

Wear Red Every Friday to Support Deployed Soldiers

It’s never too late to start supporting a great cause. Start now by wearing red this Friday and every Friday. Yes, any red item will do, but red shirts are the most common choice for folks involved in this movement. 

If you want a stylish and comfortable option, check out Hales Speed Shop’s R.E.D. Flannel shirt. It’s the kind of shirt you will love wearing and it will have you looking forward to your weekend wardrobe. 

The R.E.D. Flannel Shirt

This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to grab one of Hales Speed Shop’s high-quality flannels as well as an item that reflects not just the color, but the spirit of R.E.D. Friday. The R.E.D. Flannel is the ultimate way to show your support for our troops and veterans.  

The R.E.D. Flannel is a limited edition R.E.D. Friday shirt that is far superior to any t-shirt or sweatshirt you will find for the occasion. This bold shirt is as bold as the gesture of wearing it. 

The red and black plaid flannel is made of 97% durable polyester, with 3% spandex for a perfect fit. It comes in both men's and women's sizes and showcases a Hales label emblazoned on the front left pocket and a hang tag that doubles as a collectible sticker.

Don't miss out on the chance to own one of these meaningful flannel shirts- once they’re gone, they’re gone. Order yours today!